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Você está em: Início > Programmes > Curricular Units > 23MIS2301
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Diagnóstico Social

Code: 23MIS2301    Acronym: DS
Predominant Scientific Areas: Social Work

Subject: 2023/24 - 1S


Acronym No. of Students Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
MISIJR 16 Aviso nº 14192/2023, de 27 de Julho 8 ECTS 30

Hours Effectively Taught


Theoretical-Practical: 28,00
Forms: 0,00

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical-Practical: 2,00
Forms: 0,00

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-Practical Totals 1 2,00
Elsa Montenegro Moreira Marques   1,00
Maria Sidalina Pinho de Almeida   1,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

1 Develop skills in making diagnoses of children and young people in situations of risk and/or danger: 

1.1 Acquire theoretical knowledge to identify problems 
1.2 Elaborate theoretical problems capable of breaking with common sense interpretations; 
1.3 Practising the construction of information-gathering scripts for psychosocial diagnosis.

2. Acquire knowledge to invest in action focused on the quality of the work of the organisations that make up the system for the promotion and protection of children and young people at risk. 
2.1 Identify the obstacles generated by the ways in which institutions are organised and operate, which prevent them from fully fulfilling their mission; 
2.2 To understand the paths of intervention focused on organisational change;
2.3 Constructing information-gathering guides for carrying out a socio-institutional diagnosis.


1. General theoretical considerations on psychosocial diagnosis: identifying and analysing social situations from an operational research perspective 

 2. Stages of psychosocial diagnosis 
2.1 Identification of social problems and construction of theoretical problems relating to risk situations affecting children and young people. 
3. Contributions of the psychosociology of organisations to socio-institutional diagnosis: from traditional management to the promotion of social development in organisations for the protection of children and young people at risk. 
4. Stages of socio-institutional diagnosis 
4.1 Identification of obstacles preventing the fulfilment of the mission 
4.1.1 Dimensions of analysis: institutional project; spaces; material resources; organisational structure; social climate; teams; care practices; partnerships.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

In line with the main objective of the subject, the syllabus is structured according to two basic principles. The first concerns the selection and articulation of different theoretical knowledge appropriate to understanding A) the social processes that are at the root of the concrete problems that affect children and young people B) and the ways in which organisations organise and function that can put at risk the children and young people that organisations aim to protect and promote. The second basic principle considered was to try to reflect on the changes that need to be made in order to overcome the specific social problems that affect children and young people and the obstacles that exist in the organisational and operational methods of organisations whose mission is to promote and protect children and young people at risk.

Main literature

Ander-Egg, E., Idánez,M. ;Diagnóstico Social: conceitos e metodologias. , Porto: REAPN , 2008
Ferreira, J.; Serviço Social e modelos de bem-estar para a infância: modus operandi do assistente social na promoção da proteção à criança e à família. , Lisboa: ISCTE, 2009
Marques, E.; Queiroz, C.;A Teoria do habitus para a prática do serviço social. Uma experiência de investigação-ação ao serviço da inclusão. , Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2014
Montano, T. (Coord.) Equipa Técnica de Apoio à Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Crianças e Jovens em Risco ;Promoção e Proteção dos Direitos das Crianças: Guia de orientações para os profissionais da ação social na abordagem de situações de maus tratos , 2011
Torres, A. (Coord.);Estudo de diagnóstico e avaliação das Comissões de Protecção de Crianças e Jovens. , Lisboa: Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia. Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, 2008

Learning Methods

The pedagogy to be used in the classes is based on interactive dynamics centred on discussion and critical reflection about 1) the process of collecting information from minors at risk and/or in danger and the organisations that protect and promote them; 2) the diagnostic characterisation tools used in the Child Protection System; 3) the genesis of the main social phenomena and problems that affect children and young people in situations of serious material, cultural and symbolic deprivation and the organisational factors and mechanisms that put young people at risk or promote and protect them.

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Final Exam

The course will be assessed on a distributed basis, based on one of the following assessment elements: 1. Individual written work: preparation of a social diagnosis (60%) 

2. Oral presentation of the written exercise (40%).


Final exam.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

As the main objective of the course is to prepare diagnoses, the teaching-learning process involves the predominance of active methods geared towards selecting the theoretical contributions that are essential to the construction of information-gathering tools used to prepare social diagnoses. Students have the opportunity to draw up and apply diagnostic scripts and, in this way, give meaning and practical utility to the theoretical knowledge required to draw them up and develop procedural knowledge and know-how which, in the future, they will be able to invest in innovative action. By identifying weaknesses and strengths, as well as threats and opportunities, the SWOT analysis exercise leads students to define improvement actions that can promote and protect children and young people at risk.