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Sociologia da Marginalidade Social 1

Código: SS2210231    Sigla: SMS1
Áreas Científicas: SOCIOLOGIA

Ocorrência: 2023/24 - 1S


Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos Horas Contacto Horas Totais
LSS1 58 Aviso nº 16918/2022 de 30 de Agosto 4 ECTS

Horas Efetivamente Lecionadas


Teóricas: 30,00
Orientação Tutorial: 15,00
Inquéritos: 0,00

Docência - Horas

Teóricas: 2,00
Orientação Tutorial: 1,00
Inquéritos: 0,00

Tipo Docente Turmas Horas
Teóricas Totais 1 2,00
Sara Cristina Dias Melo   2,00
Orientação Tutorial Totais 1 1,00
Sara Cristina Dias Melo   1,00

Objectivos, Competências e Resultados de aprendizagem

1. To dominate the instruments provided by Sociology to critically analyze social problems that mobilize social workers¿ intervention
- Understand theoretical and methodological problems linked to the various ways of defining/measuring poverty
- Understand social poverty/exclusion as a chain of various mechanisms that lead to extreme manifestations of social inequality
- Understand the different sociological perspectives to explain the (re)production of poverty in contemporary societies.

2. To dominate the theoretical knowledge to interpret observed situations during the social work internship and to analyze intervention models and strategies
- Understand the potentials of a theoretical synthesis which are able to identify socio-organizational and cultural/symbolic mechanisms that are producers of extreme conditions of deprivation of social resources.
- Invest this theoretical synthesis in the analysis of social phenomena related to the practice of social workers, namely unemployment and the ¿dependants¿career¿.


1. Sociological analysis of social poverty/exclusion
1.1 Sociological definition of social poverty/exclusion:
1.1.1 From the classical definitions of poverty to the attempt of taking into consideration the diversity of socially efficient resources that constrain the successful participation in the ¿social game¿;
1.1.2 The determinant role of deprivation of qualifying jobs and stable employment, regarding ¿old poverty¿ (intergenerational poverty) and ¿new poverty¿;
1.1.3 The accumulation of interdependent inequalities
1.2 Build a theoretical synthesis that allows overcoming the dichotomy between structural approaches of poverty (highlight to the social-organizacional processes of poverty¿s production) and culturalistic and interaccionist approaches
1.2.1 Economic and political factors of poverty in Portugal;
1.2.2 Territorial factors of the (re)production of poverty;
1.2.3 The cultural and identity responses to deprivation: plurality of lifestyles of poverty and mobilizing identity strategies to confront the experience of social disqualification 

Demonstração da Coerência dos Conteúdos Programáticos com os Objetivos da UC

Poverty and social exclusion are multidimensional phenomena and result from complex processes. Breaking up with individualistic, naturalist and entnocentric visions about the problem of poverty and understand that it results from the accumulation of interdependent inequalities (relationships between economic, cultural, social and symbolic deprivation), is crucial so that the practice of the social worker does not fall into strategic interventions of assistance and reproductive of social problems. The processes of social intervention in the poverty domain presume the overcoming of dichotomic visions that oppose structural approaches of poverty (highlights to the social-organizacional processes of poverty¿s production) to culturalistic and interactionist approaches.

Bibliografia Principal

ALMEIDA, J.F. et alii;;Exclusão Social. Factores e Tipos de Pobreza em Portugal, Celta, 1992
Campenhoudt, L. V.;Introdução à Análise dos Fenómenos Sociais, Gradiva, 2003
Brébant, B.;La pauvreté, un destin?, L'Harmattan, , 1984
Capucha, L.;Desafios da pobreza, Oeiras, Celta, 2005
Castel, R.;As metamorfoses da questão social, Petropolis, Vozes ed., 2003
Costa, A. B.;Um olhar sobre a pobreza. Vulnerabilidade e Exclusão Social no Portugal Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2008
Paugam, S.;L'exclusion. L'Etat des Savoirs, Paris, La Découverte, 1996
Paugam, S.;Le salarié de la precarité. Les nouvelles formes de l'integration professionelle, Paris, PUF, 2000
Paugam, S.;A Desqualificação Social: ensaio sobre a nova pobreza, Porto, Porto Editora, 2003

Métodos de Ensino

The course has an applied theoretical character so the classes are scheduled in:
- Theoretical lectures: more expository sessions for the explicitness of the main syllabus articulating with the theoretical exposition of the issues with empirical illustration and student participation in its discussion calling upon their present or previous internship work experience.
- Classes of tutorial orientation: sessions which include a diverse set of scientific-pedagogic activities: presentation by the students, in group or individually, of texts or other documents with extended discussion; elaboration of work pieces of the distributed evaluation; analysis and discussion of statistical information on the program issues.
- Presentation of films and documentaries focused on the explanatory factors behind the (re)production of social poverty and exclusion situations.
Students may choose between the distributed evaluation (test + analysis of statistical information assignment) or the final examination.

Modo de Avaliação


Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação registadas

Descrição Tipo Tempo (horas) Data de Conclusão
Participação presencial (estimativa)  Aulas  51
  Total: 51

Avaliação Final

Students may choose one of the following assessment methods:
1. DISTRIBUTED ASSESSMENT (Article 11 of the Knowledge Assessment Regulations) consisting of 1 group assignment with an oral presentation and 1 individual written test. Each assessment has a 50% mark.

2. FINAL EXAMINATION (Article 12 of the Regulations for the Assessment of Knowledge) which will consist of an individual written examination to be held during the examination period in January 2024.

Provas e Trabalhos Especiais

In accordance with knowledge assessment regulations.

Avaliação Especial (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with knowledge assessment regulations.

Melhoria de Classificação Final/Distribuída

In accordance with knowledge assessment regulations.

Demonstração da Coerência das Metodologias de Ensino com os Objetivos de Aprendizagem da Unidade Curricular

Understanding poverty/social exclusion as a multidimensional phenomenon and applying this knowledge in practice within the framework of the field work carried out by the students presupposes the use of teaching methodologies that involve not only the presentation of the main syllabus contents, but also the active participation of the students in carrying out concrete exercises related to the analysis and discussion of statistical data (demonstrating the existence of regularities), practical cases and specific examples of the field work carried out. In order to develop effective intervention strategies in the field of poverty, the mere memorisation of content proves to be profoundly inadequate, which is why the commitment to various practical applications is indispensable for effective learning.